
Today I learned that the greatest English-speaking Heartland Americana Rock Band I’d ever heard in my life was in fact a secret gem. A gift for the daughter who never had a chance to know her mother while the woman was alive. I am releasing my own music under the name Emma Stranger.

I want the world to know that although I am the singer, a musician, an artist, a dancer, a musician and a designer that I’d consider myself Author #2 on my first album. Author #1 is this woman. She performed under many names around the world. I call her many things but I will call the songs she wrote to me Her Midnight Sayonara. The final farewell to a curse placed upon golden-hearted artists born inside the bodies of beautiful women.

This website describes how I personally have lived so far. As Monica aka Marie Jordan’s youngest daughter, I was cursed to be raped and sterilized. Around the world artists, scientists, activists, and anyone branded beautiful by rich rapists live with chains around our hearts. Right now I live the way my rapists want girls/women to always exist: homeless and vulnerable and one call away from their favorite hospitals. Here I am now in a nice monthly rental although realisically I’ll need to move again soon. Thankfully I have now incorporated. I suppose a renegade bitch booking various hotel rooms counts as a “satellite location system” but good god this is no way to live.

I sing for the brave souls who left this life to protect our shared hopes and dreams. Cheers to the heroes, heroines, and saviors to us all and to future generations of life on earth.

Thank you to the beautiful soul I knew as Jonathan. I will remember your wisdom and your humor and your gentleness always.

✏️ Please Note: Enrique Iglesias, Nelly Furtado, Juanes, Danity Kane, Colbie Callait, Some People In Fifth Harmony, Many People In The Pussycat Dolls, The First Songs By Camilla Cabello and All Of The Retro 1990s/Y2K-Era Natalie Imbruglia are Switcheroo Names. There are Living Artists who wrote or co-wrote songs you love and now perform them. In most cases the original artists and Original Video/Concert Performers are now dead☠️ to protect their children and family members. They also died for the sake of humanity. I feel very angry at the world for making artists sacrifice themselves.

EVERYONE IN THE 2008 RECORDING CLASS OF WALK THE MOON IS NOW DEAD. The original recording/performing artists toured around the world to pass their wisdom and the rights to their work along to other good people to avoid human rights terrorists who use contracts to enslave families. Read more about what happens to artists’ children on 🥀Daphne Ripper, 🧛🏻‍♂️Vampire Stepdads, 😿My Simba Girl, 🛡Strike For Love, 💓Madonna-Whore Complex, and other websites I’ll link soon.

Note the fact that The Mother Who Raised me described horrific train accidents that came for the train that she and I were supposed to take to The Morrissey concerts I dreamed of attending in Europe.🌊 If you see Enrique Iglesias in concert, congrats! You’re seeing one of the Enriques who remains among the living! Morrissey sang a love song about 🚎A DOUBLEDECKER BUS CRASHING INTO US because multiple Morrisseys have died in various “TRAGIC” accidents. That alias goes to artists who wish to shuffle off this mortal flesh-prison to protect future generations or to simply stop having to live through so many damn traffic accidents while old and suffering and tired of singing THE SMITHS SONGS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. An astonishing number of your favorite country songs are not written by “WHITE” people, they are written as a cosplay genre and also most of those original more-melanin-having artists are VERY DEAD NOW. Let the good people of New York City tell you all about why. (FEATURING DOJA)

Here are photos of two moms I know of who gave their lives to protect their children, other innocent souls, and families all over the world. There had to be protectors with them to make sure that the mothers could make their sacrifices. I feel in my soul that these mothers had to have Gentlemen Callers with them at all times - men who could REPEL ANY HOTEL ROOM INVADERS, CRASHLAND ALL VEHICLES to prevent the women from being kidnapped after a horrific maiming/mutilating accident, YELL IN A MANLY WAY, knock out rapists who often came armed with guns/knives/needles/drugs/cameras/coercion devices of all kinds, and had to have CISGENDER MAAAAAAN PASSPORTS.

The world should never have demanded that good people sacrifice so much and go through such a gauntlet of horrors to protect living things. We live in the world we live in.

I sing to honor the protectors, defenders, poets, true lovers, guardians, and warriors who gave us the freedom to chase a more hopeful tomorrow.

I believe in searching for the truth, admitting when I’m wrong, and speaking up when I think a person is innocent.

Here’s a song:



☀️ Poem #1: “IS THIS THE REAL LIFE… All we are is dust in the wind. Fuck yeah, Midwestern Music Alliance For Life.”

Juliette (Ollie Wride), Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen), Dust in the Wind (Kansas), Canva template by Bella Kawaski

🌒 Poem #2: “What the hell is wrong with my phone? My baby used to write me a letter about dancing in the dark.”

A Song I’d Never Heard Before (Spicks & Specks), The Letter (The Box Tops), Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen)

💮 Poem #3: “You never stop loving someone who dies. You keep having a conversation with a ghost. Half of a Meat Loaf song before I take a break.”

Bat Out of Hell (Meat Loaf)

Later On You’ll Hear

Unfiltered trash-tier hot takes from a sincere soul who’s feeling sad today. Not eternally sad forever, but: you know. It’s been hard lately, yeah? Anyway more of my trauma recently: I am not quite homeless but very precariously renting.


Planning on featuring Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin, Don MacLean, Joni Mitchell, Michael Jackson, Mariya Takeuchi, Yo-Yo Ma, Chris Brown, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, Rihanna, Meat Loaf, Judy Collins, Leonard Cohen, Spicks & Specks (WHY THE BEEGEES USED TO BE BETTER), Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, why are there so many artists on my favorite Bollywood tracks, BTS, BLACKPINK, and LAST BUT NOT LEAST Sade

This is an ambitious set list but YEE-HAW! FUCK IT! Might add more. Please let me know gently if I have not credited you and ought to, I forget stuff a lot.

What do you mean "HOMELESS?"

What do you mean "HOMELESS?"

I mean that know I will never own a home in my life. Best-case scenario is that I’ll be able to afford an elder care facility where I will be tortured infrequently.

As a millennial, I was born to never own a home. Condemned to be blamed for the economy I inherited. Despite 💸“up-skilling” in design, I make about as much as an accountant makes. Or someone chilling in the Marketing Department having more fun at work. Up to this point my average yearly salary began at $45,000 a year and only ever hit $75,000 plus bonuses. One year I crossed six figures if you look at it in terms of hourly rate. But! I was a contractor. I had no health insurance, sick time, or vacation days. Since the usual “benefits package” costs a company between 40-60% of an employee’s salary on paper, I’ve never had a real six-figure job in my entire life.

Because I’m a renter, I live at the mercy of landlords. My landlord allows his tenants to live the way 1900s New York City “tenement house” paupers lived. We pay $2,500 a month to live in a building with a documented lead paint problem. Our roof leaks. Asbestos damage we already lived with was exacerbated by a fire in 2022. Our landlord painted over that fire damage - never did a damn thing about the cancerous waste we breathed in. As of this spring, 11 units in our 36 unit building reported bedbug infestations. That means we’re all fucked.

Me? I tried to keep those blood-sucking fleas at bay. For three years I (with help from the two not-at-the-same-time but eventually live-in partners in the city) staved off the inevitable encroachment of vampire insects. Alas: I won the war of attrition for only three years.

Now I am a shameful loser who could not win an impossible war.
By the way: you should REALLY FEEL BAD if you’ve been harsh about my mental state in the past two years. I’ve never attacked anyone but used to cry in public, quietly, sometimes.

Whichever assholes at Columbia University “CALLED IN CONCERN” - your soul’s gonna need a fuck-ton of mercy, I remember how you awful jerks treated me when I needed a cane to walk to Your Fine And Fancy Rich People School. Wish I could get a refund because that was a contender in the Shitty Year Pageant as one of the most miserable nine month stretches of my life. The Mental Health Counseling Program at Teachers College is now suspending 🩼Their Token Cripple™️ for lateness so they might as well give me back my tuition checks.

More recently I was freed from a daily viewing of how awfully this hell-city treats ♿️ “THE HANDICAPPED” but I can never cry in public. Any woman shedding tears risks the wrong phone-terrorist calling her A BORDERLINE or A SCHIZOPHRENIC. Ever tried to explain to the paramedics that you sat down on the bench to have a polite cry about your life circumstances? IT IS A BIGASS GAMBLE.

Anyway: this is all a very long way of saying that I am now making the Founder and CEO Executive Decision to gatekeep my art. BOOM. Capitalism at your service.

Arrow pointing right

Good day to you, customers. If you like my art then pay for it.

At DaVinci Artworks (Poetry Division), we don’t subscribe to that line that “the customer is always right.” Hell no. I’ve worked customer service jobs. My friends work customer service jobs now. I’m a dick but I do my absolute best to restrain my dickishness when possible. Especially in the general direction of people working that kind of gig.

You want to be a customer? Act right and pay your bill. If you want to enjoy my music/dancing/art, the check is laid upon the table Fancy Pants. Pony up or get booted from this establishment. BYEEE.

👋 Say Goodbye to this sad bitch who sounds like Morrissey but is definitely a girl

What, exactly, do DaVinci Artists do?

Anyone can be an artist. I admire arts I struggle with the most - there’s an art to mathematics that my brain wrestles with.

I think I’m pretty good at:

  • 🩰 Dance

  • 🖼️ Visual Art

  • 🖌️ Creative Writing

  • 🎧 Music (recent discovery)

I thought I was a terrible singer! Compared myself to a dying cat on the regular.

Birthdays matter a lot to me. My sweet boyfriend Josh really wanted me to sing so I forced myself to try to sing around his birthday.

Shocking to find that perhaps I could be well-qualified as one of the cool singers in a disco and blues revival 🎷era of music.

That would be nice. In another universe. A dream world where people like me could still live off of work we enjoyed. As it is: fuck your taste in art. My dreams in life have died so many slow deaths that I don’t feel strongly about your music preferences anymore.

I wish you were not cruel


or a coward unwilling to stop injustice


I wish you were not cruel ✴︎ or a coward unwilling to stop injustice ✴︎

Arrow pointing right

People who keep fighting after a battle ends aren’t failures. America gave the fuck up on me so deal with being called cruel or a coward.

I am a woman who cried a thousand tears. A woman whose father died when she was fourteen years old. A bitch too difficult, sad, sick, or toxic for any relationship to ever work out. (Currently dating a lovely man but know how it always goes for me.) I know I fucking suck. People generally say:

”You’re nice, Lexie. It’s not that you’re not nice. You’re just… so much shit keeps happening to you. You’re so fucking sad. You’re still sad about your dad sometimes and just shut the fuck up about it, Lexie. You can’t keep the apartment clean for shit. You’re late too much and you’re not succeeding in your career.”

- 🧔🏻‍♂️My Ex-Man.
Approximate transcript of quote from a fight from my longest-running relationship. Accurate summary of my flaws. Am not usually an asshole, but I suck at cleaning and can be annoying

Please do not ship me back to The Crazy Bitch Prison for taking on a few poetic aliases. I’m not hitting anyone up for child support! IT IS A PEN NAME JESUS H CHRIST! My latest internet name is now:

Lexie Cohen >

That site is private. I’m setting most of my sites to private today. Exceptions only on my work:

For hope and justice:

I will leave up one of the better sites that describes my own experiences of grief, sexual violence, and systemic injustice. Other people might feel less alone reading my words.

For my loved ones:

One or two of the best songs I’ve recorded so far will stay on YouTube.

Other than that? Behold. Founder, CEO and BITCH WHO SAYS NO TO YOU right here. You don’t get anymore from me. I’m offering my services only for commercials - meaning I’m going to Google what ad agencies charge for 30 second ads and sell that shit. Everything else? OnlyFans, not Patreon, rates. TicketMaster prices.



fuck yo' taste in art

Hey hey BYE BYE BYE ✴︎ fuck yo' taste in art